From the moment we arrived here in Ireland, a popular initial question (in addition to where are you from in the States?) was: "How do you feel about the election?" There is not a day that goes by that we don't hear about it from the people, it's often in papers here, and there is a huge Obama support. Often times, when speaking with the locals, this has been said: "We look to you in America. Where you go, we will follow." It was great to hear and I was actually surprised. I think the Irish will be happy here this morning to hear about Obama because that's the candidate anyone and everyone mentioned here. As we lack a TV in my apartment, we were tracking on the Internet and wound up at at friend's place who had a TV and watched bit. I got my absentee ballot late, so I voted via the FWAB. Its funny, I feel so connected, yet at the same time not connected to this election. I am excited for a new President, but it almost doesn't feel real because we are not home.