I started my morning off by going food shopping, but instead of going to Dunnes, I crossed the Liffey and went to Tesco (I know – this story is thrilling, but…). Along the way, I never realized that there’s a fresh fruit and vegetable market on the side street-which was fun to shop through as well. I won’t always have to wait for the Sunday Market in Howth.
Later that night, I helped with costumes for the theater performance. But the big thing to write about is—
the 44th Inauguration!
Just a little before 4 p.m., a few friends and I ventured off to The Pav, our campus pub, so we could watch the inauguration on TV. It was great to see that Sky News had it covered already and we were watching it live. What is more interesting was that there were a lot of Irish students there, waiting to watch it with us. It was great to see the American flag, our political leaders parading through, the National Mall crowded with people. It was a wonderful ceremony and I really loved the orchestral piece with Yo Yo Ma. But by far, the best moment in the Pav that day, was when they announced Barack Obama’s name. After announcing our President’s name, there was huge applause in the Pav – and being filled with more Irish than Americans, I felt really proud. Some of us even became a little teary. But to see that reaction, while being in a different country- to see and know that many respect your country and your new President, it was a great feeling and I felt a huge sense of pride, hope, and happiness. I’ll always remember where I was on the 44th inauguration and what I felt- joyous and proud at the Pav, watching America, my country with a pint of Guinness in my hand. : )